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Since 2021, Upsilon Omega Chi has welcomed strong-willed and intelligent members into our Professional Fraternity. Founded by a group of young and courageous individuals who took a leap of faith to form this chapter, our hope is to keep their legacy alive for generations to come.


We encourage intellectual growth and success by offering alumni networking opportunities and a variety of events throughout the year, which encourage bonding between members and help create a foundation of lasting friendships, in keeping with our slogan.


About Us

Successful Connections

Principles & Values

  • Accountability: An acceptance of responsibility for honest and ethical conduct towards others.

  • Integrity: Operating your organization consistently in accordance with a strong set of moral values and while following applicable ethical guidelines. 

  • Service: the ability to provide professional support to others.

  • Trustworthiness: The ability to behave ethically because it is the right thing to do, not because it will make people trust them again.

  • Unity: The ability to stand together with people from different backgrounds, disciplines, cultures and generations to leverage an organizational goal.  

OUR Vision

To provide an environment of prosperity that evokes a positive change in both the profession and personal lives of our members.


To build a business alumni of professionals that understand the vast opportunities associated with networking.

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